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Welcome to English Literature and phonetics

Naturally Curious

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What do we mean by Phonetics? Phonetics is the study of sounds. To understand the mechanics of human languages one has to understand the...

English language history

prof.Abdelhamid Fouda Here we G0 👉The English language is split into three large time periods, each represented by a main author or...

Genres within the Canterbury Tales

👉Fabliau A short verse tale with coarse humor and realistic or obscene descriptions that show a part of life in middle and lower class...

Old memories

When I was in class 7 , I used to ask a lot of questions. .....! One day, I asked my English Teacher, "Why do we ignore some letters in...

Some English Proverbs

prof.Abdelhamid Fouda English language is like other languages around the world, it has a lot of proverbs. Proverbs are short wise saying...

Feminist Criticism (1960s-present)

Feminist criticism is concerned with "...the ways in which literature (and other cultural productions) reinforce or undermine the...

Pedagogical Grammar

Pedagogical Grammar A pedagogical grammar is a description of how to use the grammar of a language to communicate, for people wanting to...

An Essay on Criticism

by Alexander Pope Published when Alexander Pope was twenty-two years of age, An Essay on Criticism remains one of the best known...

A language 's skills

English language is one of the oldest one on earth. To order to make balance among its four skills , sng learnr must practise the four...

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