prof.Abdelhamid Fouda
Here we G0
👉The English language is split into three large time periods, each represented by a main author or work:
Old English (Beowulf)
Middle English (Geoffrey Chaucer)
And Modern English (William Shakespeare)
👉The oldest surviving English text is Caedmon’s Hymn of Creation.
👉When King Henry VIII had England’s monasteries burned down in 1535, many of the
oldest texts written in English also went up in flames.
👉 The first novel wasn’t written in English (critics usually give that honor to Cervantes’ Don Quixote), but the first extremely successful novel was: Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe.
👉Works written in English have won twenty-six Nobel Prizes in Literature, more than any other language. Of those twenty-six, nine were won by authors from the United Kingdom.
👉 Bede- the father of English learning. The first Historian.
👉Caedmon- the first English poet.
👉Cynewulf- first writer to sign his works.
👉Alfred- first prose writer in English.
👉Chaucer- father of English literature
👉 Dryden- father of English criticism
👉Bacon- father of English esaay.